It was a very good year - 2016 = storms

2016.  You asked, so here is my reply.

Here at the "Old Folks" home we've had a challenging year to say the least.
January - Vyanna is at a work conference out of state and fights off a cold valiantly. Tia is working on her masters, a certification for work and a full time job with the school district. She still makes time for family and friends.
February - Vyanna decides to redecorate the bumper of the trailer in front of her in traffic and comes out alive with a dead PT Cruiser, a brain trauma and a new accent. Vyanna also takes an unpaid leave of absence from her job when it is discovered she cannot talk, walk or chew gum without becoming overwhelmed, immediately fatigued and emotionally overwrought. She also begins to sway like a drunken sailor when she enters the building (lighting & merchandise are visually disturbing). However, this small setback doesn't stop her from teaching on Tuesday nights. She just takes a little longer and the ladies have to listen closer. Timm makes time to set up for an estate in Tacoma for a friend of a friend which we slide in amidst the other activities. Our favorite family of 5 move out of their tiny house trailer on our property and into a true home of their own. Too far away from the kids from our point of view. No move is a good move if you ask grandma.
March - Vy's mom Sylvia decides that two breasts are one too many and has a mastectomy to prove her point that cancer is overrated. Vyanna's sister Renee' (fighting kidney cancer herself for a year) comes down to spend time with Sylvia.  We do the antique show and Vyanna becomes tongue tied after 1 1/2 hours of set up. We bring in reinforcements and Vyanna is relegated to a home only weekend. Timm decides that having only one car accident in the family is just not enough and gets rear-ended. So our doctor visits are now done together, ah family togetherness....
April - the entire month is just a blur of Doctor appointments, referrals, therapist visits, melt downs & rain. Vyanna is seeing the waiting rooms of 8+ Doctor's offices on a regular basis, Tia spends most of her time battling with her teacher's certification process while doing her full time job and holding up her parents. Sometimes literally.
May - Our living room is repainted by a group of friends as a treat for Timm & Vyanna. A lovely shade of butter yellow has brightened up our "art gallery/living room nest".
June - rain. doctor visits, rain, doctor visits, rain... (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating but its what I remember)
July - The annual antique show where our family has had a booth for over 25 years is happening. This time Vyanna goes for a walk and ends up staggering like a drunk across the aisles (oblivious to it and to others) then passes out sitting next to the first aid door. The remainder of the weekend is a blur for her.
August - our Roxanna moves back to California to pan for gold and be closer to family.  Elizabeth joins the old folks home as a new resident. Timm begins his unexpected, unplanned and undieting weight loss. It's official - Vyanna joins the unemployed because it is obvious she cannot go back to her career currently and its unfair for them to hold her position open any longer. One of our Sometimes Sons returns from a far away land of rules and regulations.
September - Tatiana begins her first year as a teacher of ESL in middle school. While working on her master's degree, helping out her parents and trying valiantly to not run screaming from the house that Timm built.
October - One of our residents (who has been fighting cancer) moves to be closer to family. We do our Antique Show in Portland and Vyanna goes mostly to shop. This time she manages almost a full day of set up before going down for a 15 hour nap. Timm is diagnosed with an umbilical hernia which is currently hanging around behind his belly button. "At this time it is not a concern, however we do want to keep a close eye on it for probable problems later on".
2015 November - One of our residents decided it was time to strike out on his own and so we now have a "guest" room once more. Alex damages his ankle while running; joining his father and sister in the "ankle forever damaged" club. Not to be outdone, his brother Abi; catches a fast moving softball with  his face instead of with his glove and has surgery to pin it back in place. More surgery to follow. Abi simultaneously gets a new job that he must delay for an extra 2 weeks because of his gorgeous black and blue face (other employees would run screaming for the exit from a fear of clown makeup). Timm sets a new pie record - only made 8 pies for Thanksgiving. The smallest quantity yet.
We find out that Timm has prostate cancer which will require surgery or radiation beginning in 2017. 2015 December - Timm has lost close to 50 unwanted pounds without extra effort on his part. He is cautiously optimistic. The doctor is surprised and then concerned. We find out that Timm also has  kidney stones in his left kidney, a cancer tumor 5cm (about the size of a couple of AA batteries side by side) on his right kidney and will be getting additional surgeries in 2017. Tia is excited to be able to hermit for a few weeks at Christmas break from school & school. It's been decided that Sylvia (Vyanna's mom) will be moving into our home sometime in the early part of 2017. After that is, the attic apartment gets carpet, a new handicap toilet, and a stair glide installed. Abi will be able to come home for Christmas for a week and is planning on helping Timm get some chores done around the old homestead. Alex is overseas protecting our country; getting hot, dirty and sweaty doing his job in the Navy and won't be back in time for the pie.

Several close friends had rough years. We prayed for them as they: moved &/or were forced to move, had multiple miscarriages, dealt with severe marriage issues, parented children with special needs, struggled with high level anxiety attacks, fought through cancer or other medical conditions that would stop weaker people in their tracks, faced spiritual attacks in their area of ministries, lost long held jobs, got new jobs &/or dealt with unemployment and financial burdens, planned upcoming surgeries, lost loved ones to death, made life altering decisions or just needed to know someone had their back in prayer & in practical help as well.

Through all this we were strengthened by God. We've been learning about focus. What we focus on, how we view the life we live, how we react to the  He never promised our life would be free of struggle. Maybe that's the take away from this year. Jesus actually prayed "I'm not taking them out of this world, so be with them as they live in this world."
People seem to expect him to remove trouble from our path and make the way smooth. To "save us" from life. What he did promise was he would save us from ourselves; from paying the eternal cost for our wrong choices if we follow him and allow him to lead. We believe he has been beside us this whole year.
He gave us strength to smile, laugh at the problems and find the joy in each day we do have. He has provided the strength to Timm & Vyanna to uphold each other, to be willing to ask for help when for so many years they were the helpers.
He has brought people into our lives who have given of themselves to us by backing us in prayer and by assisting us in practical ways. Some with food, some with cookies, some with paint splattering all over their clothes, some with needed medical explanations, others with visits and coffee or rides to doctors, allowing our daughter to take time off work to assist us, being on the other end of a garbled accented stuttering conversation. Some came along side with financial gifts, others with encouragement, some with simply being available at a moment's notice.
All with love.
Note: Our daughter Tia has lived through all this with us, upholding us, allowing us to lean on her, willingly stepping up and stepping in whenever Vyanna or Timm couldn't do what needed to be done. She helped with our load all while fitting in her schooling, her teaching job, her other responsibilities and made time for friends as well.

As for finances? God answered Vyanna's prayer for money to pay the bills (yup, boldly before the throne she went) by having people call out of the blue and request we handle  estate sales for them. February - December were filled with estate sales that God phoned us with so we could pay the bills while Vyanna lazed around. As a family & with help from friends we did 1 yard sale at our home, 2 Flea Markets, 3 Antique Shows & 11 estate sales for overwhelmed families. We serve a generous God. Tired? yup.

How can  you help? We appreciate you praying for us. We would love a visit, a text or a call, we want to hear about your life. We have found that by focusing on others our load is lighter, that by being reminded of what you face we are better able to face our challenges. Its all about focus.
So, all in all a rather tumultuous year. We changed our quote from "learn to dance in the rain" to "we cha cha in a hurricane, can you?" We are looking through the storm clouds which are still black with rain and wind over the next few months to the sunshine of next summer.


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