It was a very good year - 2016 = storms
2016. You asked, so here is my reply. Here at the "Old Folks" home we've had a challenging year to say the least. January - Vyanna is at a work conference out of state and fights off a cold valiantly. Tia is working on her masters, a certification for work and a full time job with the school district. She still makes time for family and friends. February - Vyanna decides to redecorate the bumper of the trailer in front of her in traffic and comes out alive with a dead PT Cruiser, a brain trauma and a new accent. Vyanna also takes an unpaid leave of absence from her job when it is discovered she cannot talk, walk or chew gum without becoming overwhelmed, immediately fatigued and emotionally overwrought. She also begins to sway like a drunken sailor when she enters the building (lighting & merchandise are visually disturbing). However, this small setback doesn't stop her from teaching on Tuesday nights. She just takes a little longer and the ladies have to l...